Monday, June 15, 2020

T006: Third Reich 42-45 - Mike (Allies) vs Ken (Axis)

T006. June 12, 1942.

Eastern Front - Leningrad

The vice is tightening around the city, as the Wehrmacht has won several battles along the outer defenses. My brief success in the east to open a direct line of communication to the pocket was quickly closed by a counter attack by Panzer divisions, including the 1st SS Panzer LSSAH. Ken isn't messing around, and Leningrad is very apparently his first of many goals on the Eastern Front. My goal now is to hold out, bloody his nose, and waste as much time as possible.

Eastern Front - Yelets-Voronezh

The Axis units along this sector are resting, building strength for what I'm expecting to be a push toward Voronezh and Yelets. If that happens, I'm already preparing a defensive line in that sector with the 49th Army, recently transferred south from the Vyazma salient.

Eastern Front - Rostov

Similar to the Yelets sectors to the north, Rostov remains relatively quiet. This has given me the opportunity to build a defense in depth. I've advanced cavalry units to toward the enemy, revealing a mix of Axis allied divisions from Romanians to Italians.

North Africa Front

Tobruk city has fallen, but there remains a sizable contingent of Commonwealth troops holding out around the former pocket. It will take at least one turn for the Axis to finish them off. And every turn that goes by allows me more time to build the defensive line west of Alexandria. More importantly, keeping the roads blocked at Tobruk holds back the Axis supply lines. And even more importantly than that, it gives me time as I await the arrival of two fresh divisions in Egypt. They should arrive on Turn 8.

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