Saturday, June 27, 2020

T025: Third Reich 42-45 - Mike (Allies) vs Ken (Axis)

T025. 23 October 1942.

North Africa - Morocco

There's not much planning to be done for Operation Torch, the invasion of northwest Africa. The Vichy French have left a rear guard to block Casablanca from an easy capture by the Allies, but the rest seem to have been pulled back. My guess is they are blocking the narrow corridor to Oran, a common chokepoint in this scenario. The general plan is to send a smaller invasion force into Morocco before the Torch disband is activated. If I can get enough divisions onto the beaches with the current sea transport, it's possible to capture Casablanca, and the critical supply point, before the bulk of the landing force arrives from England and clear some of the areas to reduce the movement points required to get the units away from the beaches on the same turn as landing.

North Africa - Egypt

I have some reservations about launching an offensive here concurrently with the Morocco landings, as the Commonwealth forces are just now reaching full strength. It also looks like the Germans are forming a defensive line west of El Alamein, anticipating that I'll attack and break through their lines around the Nile Delta. If this offensive happens, it'll have to inflict maximum damage on the front line Axis forces. There won't be any more major reinforcements arriving in Cairo, unless I transport troops there with a naval escort. That takes too much time. It's possible to get them there through the Mediterranean, but that's also risky for obvious reasons. 

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